Thursday 31 December 2015

*** Happy New Year 2016 ***

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year 2016 !!!
May 2016 brings lots of prosperity, happiness and brightness in your life :)
Hugs and Kisses ♥

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Types Of Friends

A friend in need is a friend indeed! - To how much this is true to some of us sounds quite minimal. Lucky are the ones who have true ones. Sooo let's get started! (Psst: I will be using 'she' mostly because I'm a girl and it's more easy for me to express my thoughts)

NUMBER 1....The Reliable

So once in a time in our life we've come across that one or many friends that we can count on to. 

No matter what, you know that your secrets are safe with them and whatever be the circumstance, your friend(s) will always be there. TBH I sometimes wish for a squad life like the pretty little liars. They are perfect!

NUMBER 2....The Frenemy

Well for this type I can definitely tell u guys that's it's not worth having the person all...! We can all relate. Like, for instance, there's that girl in your class who is totally selfish and mean towards you. Ultimately there's no reason for you to like her, but still you have to act indifferent when she talks to your friends..!!..yaaaa..there's one of your friends who do talks to her despite the fact that she knows her squad doesn't like former. So now when she's around, you kind of feel the need to smile at her and act as if you guys are friends. 
Eww..can't stand that!

NUMBER 3....The Insecure

So this person is the most selfish, hypocrite and egoistic person in your group. Why say? Because of her insecurities that you don't outstand her in everything; in your studies or to get a job. She wants all the best of things to be in her closet ONLY. Now the point is how she gets to do it! At first you will believe in whatever thing she says..why?.. Because she is innocent..innocent in everything, while the rest of the world is selfish towards her. Maybe she's having family problems, and as such, she will act totally desperate. Well this is based on a real life situation where the girl is super desperate and seeks comfort with her 'best friends', but she only shares her feelings with only two of them, out of four. So basically, the former two will in turn tell the others what's wrong with the girl. Everyone of them will try to keep her happy and no matter what time it is, they'd be there for her. Good friends ya? What happens is that the insecure one will always complain about not having time for her studies, she barely eats, have health issues...... Oh Wait... at the end of the semester, she's the one to have the best of results! Whilst her 'best friends' don't...why? Because they were busy dealing with her desperate life!  Or even better, the girl who didn't have time to revise or prepare notes is the one to be having more revision notes than you! That person is just an opportunist with multiple personalities within, playing with other's emotions!

NUMBER 4....The 'perfect'

We all met this one....the girl who thinks she is Barbie, because there's tons of guys after her..or she is after them?! O_o Anyway.. The point is that she thinks she's got it all; money, beauty... but wait there's something missing in her!.. What?? Moral values. There's been many of them in my class, but what's the use showing off when you are empty within or even on the outside.. Basically these girls have had a real bad time with teacher or lectures!

NUMBER 5....The Swag

You can refer to them as the bullies or the most coward people. These guys gonna act as super a**holes to you as they think you are too innocent or don't have enough or any friend at all. What they are going to do is try to lower your self esteem. But you need to act indifferent coz there's no reason why you should get influenced with some hardcore losers who have their lives hanging the void! Because trust me, when you will be achieving your goals, these mean douche won't even matter to you, instead they will envy your success and gossip as this is the only thing in life they can do. Place these types in a hard situation and they will all burst into tears! 

NUMBER 6....The Pendulum

This guy who you thought was your friend and gossiped along with about some mean girls in your class. However, all what you've told him is going to those mean ones. You will never know about it till one of those meanies will spit one of the things you've said before, but not to them. So now you'll think to yourself how come they know about it.. ----> That freak!!!

NUMBER 7....The Actual Real Friend

This person is going to be your best friend ever. She kinds of trust people easily, and in turn she's left to be the most hurt and misunderstood. She'll be there always but in turn nobody around for her. She'll sacrifice her time for you, but this will never be reciprocate. Basically, she's mostly on her own and reflects if she actually does have a friend. Some will never understand the meaning of having a true friend around...Their LOSS. 

NUMBER 8....The Loners

So you have a group of friends which is supposed to consist of friends..of actual best friends. The point is that, in the group , there will be two girls who will keep things only for each other! Facebook is where the bragging starts and continues. Well there're some people whose friendship lives exist only virtually. Then what is the use of being in the group?! That's not what friendship is about. Moreover there is one of the girls who will always cancel plans at the last minutes because of family commitments, because we don't have one! And when there's some other plans in which she's super interested in and someone else wouldn't be able to make it, she'll be the most freaked out person! Double-Standard you no say? You will find other loners like those who had to join your group or else they will be left alone, else who will protect them from the meanies or who will share lecture notes with her. She might not be involved at all with the group, not go shopping or anything! 

Moral : Choose your friends well. Even if you might end up alone, it's not the end of the world. You're worth more than that to deserve fakers! Just shake it off ;)


Tuesday 27 October 2015

Hey !

Hey guys, I know it's been long since I've interacted with you all. Am soo sorry,,, but will do so soon.  :)
Take care xoxo

Friday 14 August 2015

Please sign this petition

So this is basically why you need to sign it if you love your animals and wouldn't want them to be hurt! Like ever!
The page states:
"MSAW previously known as MSPCA is an organization which has been making the headlines for all the wrong reasons. Ironically MSAW, which is supposed to be an organization for the welfare of animals in Mauritius do the contrary, they catch and kill our best friends mercilessly. Earlier this year, shocking behind the scenes footage were discovered at the MSAW, dogs being inhumanely killed and mistreated on the ground of euthanasia. The video was condemned by animal rights campaigners and this caused an uproar on social media. Daily Mail UK published several articles on MSAW cruelty.
On August 11, another video showing extreme cruelty towards a dog at the Forest Side SSS college went viral on Facebook. According to witnesses at the college, employees of the MSAW were seen beating a dog to death as well as several of her puppies.
The sight and sound of helpless dogs and puppies being beaten, injected and slung into an incinerator is the stuff of nightmares. It is a shame that all governments turned a deaf ear despite the various protests over the years.
Mauritius has to take responsibility of its animals and bring it at a new level where we will be recognised as a positively developing country. MSAW cruelty made the headines on various international medias also.
The mass slaughter of stray dogs in Mauritius is absolutely sickening. This barbarity has to stop once and for all.

Saturday 8 August 2015

Veggie Potato Balls/ Croquette with Cheese Recipe

To make those all you need is:
  1. Boil around 3 potatoes.
  2. After they've been boiled remove the potato skin and smash them.
  3. Add 1 Chopped onion.
  4. A cup of chopped coriander leaves.
  5. Salt to taste.
  6. You can also add some red chilly powder(optional)
  7. Chopped green onions.
  8. A cup of bread crumbs.
  9. Mix well until soft dough is made..
  10. Make small round balls with your hands and insert a tiny piece of cheese inside each balls.
  11. After the balls have been made, dip them in a liquid solution and roll them up with bread crumbs. For the veggie liquid solution you can mix milk with all purpose flour (not too much of both so that the bread crumbs could stick to the potato cheese balls)
  12. Now heat oil in a pan at medium heat and fry those potato balls. But remember that it won't take much time to cook as the potato has already been boiled. For me it took around 10-20 seconds.

Hope you'll all like it :)
xoxo ♥

Vegetarian meal at Charleys

Been to Charleys for the first time and ordered a veggie delight, Fries topped with melted cheese and just a pepsi! (sorry if i got the names wrong). Been to Shoprite, Mauritius Today and ordered these!

The Smell?

The Taste?
For a first try especially for the veggie delight(bread), that actually did taste good... same for the cheese fries!

That ketchup packet was a real struggle to open!
The taste could have been much better! But I liked it!
Surely going for another try!

Please add more veggie and Vegan options!
Customer service should be improved there, especially communication skills!
Well this is it..

If any of you have ever eaten at Charleys, may it be anywhere on the planet....please do share your experience! Thanks
xoxo ♥

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Love at First Sight

I have always wondered what love at first sight looks/feels like, though i kind of didn't believe in it. I thought that was plain infatuation. Until on the 15th of February 2015, a little puppy came into my life.

He was about one a half months old i guess. Totally skinny, undernourished, bony, feeble,  unclean, smelly, but still i fell in love with this little man. The moment i opened my front door, i saw this little one with those cute puppy eyes glaring at me filled with love and affection and trust. That moment went like slow motion and totally indescribable. He just wanted affection and care which he has been deprived from since birth. 

Even though he had hard times with some "humans" previously, he still shook that little tail of him. This was the cutest moment ever. And then i brought him some milk and he licked my fingers ♥ It felt like the first time ever I'm having such a powerful contact with a puppy. A puppy who's going to change my life forever. the amazing part was that he wasn't a shy puppy and did trust us at his level best. Then after a week or two was his first visit to the vet. 
Then from this skinny little one he transformed into this: 

We actually though he was of brownish color until he took a bath! Well this is what he looked like after a week. My healthy little guy. We pamper him sooo much and really can't get enough of him. My day won't go by happily if i don't hug him, kiss him, play with him, abide to his tantrums...He's my bundle of joy and gives me every reason to be happy. How many of my clothes he tears up or even my shoes...i love still him to depth. I spend most of my time with him. 

He is the reason that made me changed the way i used to look at things. For instance, I've never knew what's like to love your pet unconditionally. I have always thought about it but never did experience it till the day my baby came into my life. He showed me how to live in the present and forget the bad pasts. I can trust him more than i do to a person. 

I was the most introvert as a person. I seriously do not like to socialize with many people, even in my neighborhood. I'm seriously not used to walk alone on the street or even go to the nearby shop. I guess i was too lazy or scared to confront people. But now all has changed. I'm more confident to confront people from my neighborhood. All thanks to my dog...I sometime do take him for a walk for him to play with his fellow friends or do his toilet, run on the streets like crazy chasing cats.

Well he mostly prefer people to dogs. I wish i could let him in my room or in the house, but he's not allowed. But he is certainly allowed in the kitchen waiting for his food to come. Every time he comes in he always pee or run like crazy in the house. I don't care about cleaning up the mess because I love him. I'll do everything to make him comfortable. Although he lives outside, he has got a large space enough cozy for him and we're still planning big for him and thanks god it doesn't snow in Mauritius.

The day i will have my house, i'll let my babies in the house. But right now, all i want to think about is him. I think about him all day, he's just like my little baby. A little noise he makes make me rush to him to see what's happening. Ohh well i also talk a lot about him to my friends and relatives. Some will not get it to why i am feeling so...the answer to it is maybe you never did know what loving a dog is. Adopt one and see how much your life will change. He is actually the reason why i want to be vegetarian and later on vegan.

Ohh baby's name is Scooby-Doo, because he is totally sweet! He's got lots of nicknames though. He 's my positive vibe and strength. All i pray to god is to always keep him by my side. I just can't imagine my life without him. He is my everything. Words are not enough to say how much he means to me. Paws are what make me happy, they are the cutest thing on earth....everything!
Not everyone deserve to own a dog. I've seen dogs in deplorable situations. This is bad. I just hope the law in my country will aim more towards animal welfare.



New post coming soon

Hi guys, so sorry could not post for quite some time. Will surely post something soon.

30 Mins Aerobic Dance Workout - Bipasha Basu Break free Full Routine - F...

If you're looking for a fitness video to keep you moving and enjoying at the same time..this one is one among the best you'll find. ;)


Monday 15 June 2015

The King's Son - I'm Not Rich ft. Blacko

Am not rich but I live like a Millionaire. Je suis pas riche mais je vis comme un Millionaire!!!

Changing my blog domain

Hi am moving my  blog to the domain

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Sunday 14 June 2015

Hey You..

Yes are beautiful no matter what anyone says. Nowadays all you see on net or in the media is all about body shaming.. but heyy you need not follow or believe all these stupid stuffs just because some psycho wants you to believe so and just because of that you'll starve yourself or follow some stupid people who have "fashion Sense" because basically they have none. All they want is to make money and will strive hard to make you believe in the most nonsensical thing. You know those women body standards that's happening around the world right? .. The famous thigh gap and whatsoever thing is on, YOU NEED NOT BELIEVE in those. This is your body and we're basically dealing a lot much with it. So nobody has the right to body shame you. Just make the right choice for yourself. Don't fall or abide to some stupid fellows you gonna meet on the net who's gonna bully you and make you feel bad about yourself. You're much intelligent and comprehensive than them. If you want to lose some weight you can do it, slowly and steadily, you need not starve. Here goes the saying, slowly and steady wins the race :)
Just believe in yourself and do what's best for your health.

That's it for now. Goodnight xoxo ♥

Saturday 6 June 2015


Just wanted to let you know that I've recently imported my blog to tumblr. This doesn't mean that i won't be using this blog. I'll keep both for now and see what to do next. Do you have any suggestions like which one is best to have?
 Blogspot or Tumblr? 
This is my Tumblr by the way

Looking forward to hear from you people :) 

Friday 5 June 2015

Act now

It’s really sad to see that some people would just stay still and watch whenever they see that an animal is being mistreated and abused or up-most take pictures or make a video out of it. Seriously that’s pathetic to do! Some may say that this will sensitize people…but actually, it would sensitize and encourage people to help and protect  animals in difficulty/danger when they would see that not only you are taking pictures or making videos, but at the same time you are helping! YES HELPING!! Help that  poor animal who’s been desperately looking at your heartless souls and still hoped you would save him/her! (Unfortunately) To those heartless people…next time make the right decision, because there’s something called KARMA, Believe it or not!

Thursday 4 June 2015


You may be wondering, but i just changed the name of my blog to Twenty Two. Well there's a reason behind it. I was searching for a good title for my blog and thought which could be better, SIXTEEN or 22, because both have some personal attributions to it. But finally I chose 22 because that's more like me...twenty two and still have the heart of a kid and adventurous person who's about to explore the world. There's so much things associated to being 22, I guess that's where basically your career starts and where you actually start planning about your future, wanting to own your car and achieve your own dreams. That's when you can say to yourself that YES you can do it yourself, you are confident, independent and strive hard to be what you want.

So let's be TWENTY TWO ♥ (click: this song basically explains every unspoken word i want to say)

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Awkward Moment

Have any of you ever try to make a video of you, trying to be a you-tuber talking about something or making a review for the first time and that has been super awkward to do and even more when you hear yourself taking and not finding words to say?! And when you view that video it gets even more embarrassing and awkward to see and hear yourself... O.o
Well there's a start for sure it will get better..hopefully #meh

Wet n Wild Ultimate Sheer Tinted Moisturizer Review

Soooo, let me present to you my first ever wet n wild beauty product...Am super excited!!!Ok! So , I've been stalking this little one for quite a long time and a month back I've finally bought it. And now I'm super in love with it

This one is a Wet n Wild Ultimate Sheer Tinted Moisturizer, in the shade Buff/Chamois 184A
It contains SPF 15/FPS 15

 What's Good about this Product?

Well first is that is does not test on animals
Second..It has SPF 15 does not contain Paraben or any related ingredients (see the last picture)
Fourth..It's not that expensive as long as you are earning an income

Did I like it?

I love it and use it whenever i need to go out. I  have been using quite a lot of it whenever i went for exams. It does give your face a nice texture and does not make you appear that tired or sleepy as you are supposed to whenever you had to spend the whole day and night revising and having a bad sleep. 

Well, obviously it's not a foundation and nor does it give your face a full coverage, but it does reduce the redness you have on your face, especially if you have acne!!! Ohh,,,,before i forget, this product is ideal for oily skin! It covers some redness and is not heavy. It blends nicely on the face. It is not Sticky at all.

And Yeah, it does not make you feel itchy on the face. It has worked well for me and i did stay a whole day with it. In Mauritius we have real Summer and it's really Hot! And still it stayed didn't make my face sweat so much as it usually does during summer and i found that whenever i worn that, my redness reduced. It also did lighten so dark spots caused by acne, not to make my face appear dull,  red, etc.

 You can apply your powder after applying this moisturizer. That's what I did at times or before applying this product I used to apply another moisturizer an then this one...For a well hydrated face!

I'll Suggest to give it a try and if any of you had used it before let me know how you guys found it in the comment section :)


So if you want to find it in Mauritius,let me tell you all that it's not available everywhere here... i don't know about other places, I need to find out. 
I got mine at Bagatelle Mall of Mauritius, from Royal Courts for Rs. 219/-
Do give it a try!

Hope you liked this review

Thursday 16 April 2015

Random Pictures

 A day At Caudan Mauritius

Spending the day With my Friends #SquadLife

♥ xoxo ♥