Wednesday 15 July 2015

Love at First Sight

I have always wondered what love at first sight looks/feels like, though i kind of didn't believe in it. I thought that was plain infatuation. Until on the 15th of February 2015, a little puppy came into my life.

He was about one a half months old i guess. Totally skinny, undernourished, bony, feeble,  unclean, smelly, but still i fell in love with this little man. The moment i opened my front door, i saw this little one with those cute puppy eyes glaring at me filled with love and affection and trust. That moment went like slow motion and totally indescribable. He just wanted affection and care which he has been deprived from since birth. 

Even though he had hard times with some "humans" previously, he still shook that little tail of him. This was the cutest moment ever. And then i brought him some milk and he licked my fingers ♥ It felt like the first time ever I'm having such a powerful contact with a puppy. A puppy who's going to change my life forever. the amazing part was that he wasn't a shy puppy and did trust us at his level best. Then after a week or two was his first visit to the vet. 
Then from this skinny little one he transformed into this: 

We actually though he was of brownish color until he took a bath! Well this is what he looked like after a week. My healthy little guy. We pamper him sooo much and really can't get enough of him. My day won't go by happily if i don't hug him, kiss him, play with him, abide to his tantrums...He's my bundle of joy and gives me every reason to be happy. How many of my clothes he tears up or even my shoes...i love still him to depth. I spend most of my time with him. 

He is the reason that made me changed the way i used to look at things. For instance, I've never knew what's like to love your pet unconditionally. I have always thought about it but never did experience it till the day my baby came into my life. He showed me how to live in the present and forget the bad pasts. I can trust him more than i do to a person. 

I was the most introvert as a person. I seriously do not like to socialize with many people, even in my neighborhood. I'm seriously not used to walk alone on the street or even go to the nearby shop. I guess i was too lazy or scared to confront people. But now all has changed. I'm more confident to confront people from my neighborhood. All thanks to my dog...I sometime do take him for a walk for him to play with his fellow friends or do his toilet, run on the streets like crazy chasing cats.

Well he mostly prefer people to dogs. I wish i could let him in my room or in the house, but he's not allowed. But he is certainly allowed in the kitchen waiting for his food to come. Every time he comes in he always pee or run like crazy in the house. I don't care about cleaning up the mess because I love him. I'll do everything to make him comfortable. Although he lives outside, he has got a large space enough cozy for him and we're still planning big for him and thanks god it doesn't snow in Mauritius.

The day i will have my house, i'll let my babies in the house. But right now, all i want to think about is him. I think about him all day, he's just like my little baby. A little noise he makes make me rush to him to see what's happening. Ohh well i also talk a lot about him to my friends and relatives. Some will not get it to why i am feeling so...the answer to it is maybe you never did know what loving a dog is. Adopt one and see how much your life will change. He is actually the reason why i want to be vegetarian and later on vegan.

Ohh baby's name is Scooby-Doo, because he is totally sweet! He's got lots of nicknames though. He 's my positive vibe and strength. All i pray to god is to always keep him by my side. I just can't imagine my life without him. He is my everything. Words are not enough to say how much he means to me. Paws are what make me happy, they are the cutest thing on earth....everything!
Not everyone deserve to own a dog. I've seen dogs in deplorable situations. This is bad. I just hope the law in my country will aim more towards animal welfare.



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