Saturday 27 September 2014

Beautiful Response by Taylor Swift to her fan!

"I think we grow up thinking the only love that counts as true love is the kind that lasts forever or is fully realized. When you have a broken heart, the first thing a stranger will ask is ‘how long were you two together?’ As if your pain can be determined by how long you were with someone. Or if you were with them at all. I don’t think that’s how it works. I think unrequited love is just as valid as any other kind. It’s just as crushing and just as thrilling. No matter what happens in this situation, I want you to remember that what you are doing is selfless and beautiful and kind. You are loving someone purely because you love them, not because you think you’ll ever have your affections reciprocated. You are admiring something for its beauty, without needing to own it. Feel good about being the kind of person who loves selflessly. I think someday you’ll find someone who loves you in that exact same way.”

This is the most sweetest thing about love that I've ever read and seen.. Many people would tell you to just move on but you know that it's gonna take a lot of time specially when you admire someone without him knowing about your feelings. You do wish if only he could feel the same way, but, that rarely happens. But hey beautiful, never lose hope. Someday someone would step in your life and will teach you what love is really about because you are so special and unique. Continue being happy and nice to people. Nice things happen to nice people :)


  1. That's Beautiful :) Love is in my opinion not an end unto itself, but a ladder to higher possibilities and being more intimate with the self. It's sad that people always need to objectify love when it is an uncharted ocean that is yet to be explored within :) It dwells much above what we see, fuelling the life within us. The entrails of love are just like the smell of flowers, experience it without needing to go into the raptures about it :) xoxo

    1. Thank you so much :)
      Well ya most people do objectify love probably because they themselves don't know what love is about and stick to that person for selfish reasons; the person is good looking, rich, famous...And in the long run, they will certainly understand that it wasn't a mature decision of theirs (if only they do have a conscience)

  2. That is an unfortunate thing :(

    The dictum is right- fall in love
    Because the way of the heart is feminine, boundless and the longingness to become one is always here. When love crosses the physicality of things, fear will be present because there is a void created that has its pressing need to fill itself naturally. Hence lovers cannot remain without each other. Only if you are ready to give yourself totally and embrace the unknown love is not unrequited. It takes time to fall in love because the seed is secure and dead in its shell but to blossom and find love, it needs to sprout and become utterly innocent. Fear not beautiful soul, it shall happen at the right time :) My two cents.. xoxo

    1. Thank you soo much for your kind words :)
      Yeah, it's worth waiting for the right time for the right one. And when it will happen, there will just be unconditional love.
      Best Wishes and thanks again for this wonderful really do write amazingly good !! xx

  3. That’s nice : )

    Love is a feeling which you can never express in words…
    I believe that you should not love someone because he or she is rich, beautiful/ handsome but you should love someone who has a good heart and who will keep you happy and be with you during your tough times as well as during your happiness… love is a wonderful feeling. Infact sometimes you never know when u start falling in love with someone…it just happens…

    Those who get their true love are indeed very lucky as many people are not destined to get true love.

    Anyway keep up with the good job Nivedita, hope to hear some more updates from you soon :)

    1. Indeed beautiful soul :)
      Love will find us at the right time, just never lose hope. You just don't have to rush. You do feel the void in yourself but it's worth waiting for the right one than getting heartbroken by a douche.
      Thank you so much :)
      Best Wishes xx

  4. it is always difficult to forget someone, it times impossible
    but at the end it is always for the best
    cause u'll see that u lost the star to obtain the moon

    1. it is impossible to forget someone completely...specially the one who give us more to remember...

    2. Time heals all :)
      Nothing's impossible because when you'll find your true love, i don't think he'll let you remember the douche who broke your heart or left for whatever reason, because if someone truly loves you, he/she won't ever leave you or even lie or do anything that may hurt you intentionally.
      Be true to yourselves, never let a bad experience ruin your life. Instead learn from it to never repeat it again.
      Be happy and spread positive vibes.

  5. I shall pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that i can do or any kindness that i can show to a person, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for i shall not pass on this way again! It's in loving that we mature, unfold and reach our potential. So, we just need to pick the right mate and BE the right mate.

    Love is solace and encouragement, kindness and tenderness, cooperation and support, a listening ear, a sympathetic heart, a welcoming gaze, a tender touch, a smile, devotion toward each other and most importantly respect and understanding.

    If you love someone TRULY and admire him/her, let him/her aware of that indirectly if that person does not know your feelings yet! You may say that you hope that the person feels the same way as you do, but don't get discouraged, BELIEVE! Because you don't know what responsibilities/plans/projects or tasks that person may have right now! Tell him/her without hesitation and have patience with his/her decisions.

    I too agree with you Nivedita, look for someone who has a noble heart rather than a make-up face, simplicity rather than bloody-minded, opinionated and stubborn or even impress me with their physical appearance, high thinking and understanding rather than those using knowledge to brag or build up ego, smile to encourage rather than a fake one just to use me, has the confidence when saying something, is fearless, finds solution instead of arguing, understands each others life, trying to live each others life jointly and intimately rather than selfishness, love everyone in both families and involve himself/herself in both families (if living abroad then to our own family and loving neighbourhoods), helpful to everyone rather than introversion, communicate fully about his\her background, life. plans, desires, dreams or ambition, instead of wearing a fake mask and finally who respects each others decision.

    Personally, if someone who understands me faithfully even though she is or not beautiful, physically fit or unfit, poor, orphan or whatever, i'll devote myself to her. DEVOTION is of utmost importance to me, be it to God or to her. You are doing a great job as it's hard to find someone who truly understand the exact meaning of love.

    Keep on and hope to hear from you very soon!

    1. That's amazing how you wrote beautifully and nicely about your feelings about your (future) love. Surely, you''ll find her soon. We do expect a lot form the other person at times that we also do forget that even that person is expecting so much from us. Mutual understanding is a must.

      haha...meaning of love...well even i don't know what it's like. Surely when i meet the ONE :D
      Thanks Jay

  6. some feelings just don't go away :( :(
    i like someone but can't express myself... maybe am just afraid of not being love back :( or something else

    1. well if that would be me having feelings for someone, if i knw that person personally, i would have done everythg to make him notice. If he still didnt do anything well thn he's probably not interested or still didnt get any clue...or then there will be that day u'll find that he's got a crush on smebody else or whatsoever.. life continues, with time evertyhg will be fine. These are just crushes that will crush u down. But love will take you to the heights ;)
      If you're a guy then muster all your courage go tell her. if she refuses that totally alright, u cant always get all what u want to even if u've got deep feelings for her. U can try to convince her, but if she still refuses then let it be. Having a conversation with that person will help. this way you can tell he/she whatever u r feeling. Time will show u what good happened. U just like smeone, it could be infatuation ;)
      it happens with every1 of us. dont worry, if she refuses, sme1 else will cherish u....u've just got to be patient.
