Monday 9 February 2015

Waiting for The Right One - Love- The heart wants what it wants!

You don't fall in love by following rules nor do you have to listen to anyone about their opinions when it comes to love, because when it will happen, you'll be sure about your feelings and you'll feel that, Yes, this is love. That should be magical..unique..breathtaking..unbelievable..that should really be something special, undeniable, indescribable..that should be love.

When you are single you will find so many to tell you, even your friends, that you need to try to date that guy or girl. Or you are wasting time finding the perfect one because there is no such thing as perfect. The fact is that, somewhere, there is the perfect one for you whom only you would recognize, and not others..perfect doesn't mean flawless, but for you she/he is perfect, you have accepted the person for who she/he is, and that's what really matters. 

Many do find love early, while some has to wait until the right moment comes.
That's basically who I am #SingleSinceBirth .. well that doesn't mean  that I have never found someone attractive.....and that's what we call CRUSH...
I personally haven't feel what love is but i just do assume and imagine how it would be...and it would be magical....Someday my Superman will come.. 

No matter what anyone say, I'll prefer to wait for the right one...Choosy or not, I've got certain expectations, who doesn't? Sometimes you feel that you deserve better, someone to really love you..because seriously I have seen many rushing into relationships and then go to the "crying lot"
I personally feel that you should know about what you want and what you want to achieve. 

In high school, i did see a lot of teenagers with their boyfriends or girlfriends hanging around, but the thing is...what's the use of such relationships when it will lead you to nowhere. I've got friends trying to introduce me to some guys (you really do get influenced from peer pressures at times), but I never did like that those things, neither those guys, maybe because since long I knew what i wanted and how I would want things to be. And believe me, when I think about those days back, those were the right decisions I have ever made for myself. 

Not having a boyfriend is no big deal....Believe, someday it will happen and that day you'll know why it never worked with anybody before. Love is not something you should rush into. When it will happen, it will leave you mesmerized, totally, completely on cloud 9. I strongly have faith on my beliefs and Superman gonna come someday, then why rush. Let Love find its way.


Disclaimer: This wasn't meant to hurt anyone's opinion. My 2 cents though :D


  1. You have given an ineffable oomph of freshness to your blog since the last time I left! :) I must say that i appreciate your creativity beautiful spirit :) In this hysterical world, no one can be trusted too much as it becomes far too encroaching at some point and it leaves scars :( Love, that word that does not conform to anything, unbridled and haphazard all the time :) I am in love all the time but mine goes unaddressed and latent each and every second of my life :) It is painful but the beautiful side of it makes it all worth the intent :)

    Let me tell you a short story;
    Simple was the guy and charming was the girl, their paths crossed at some point and got close to each other. She was inevitably inviting love all around but kept herself unmingled, tossing away what could hinder her already perfect life.The guy did not have a clue of what love was till the moment he met her. That fragrance was unmistakable for him, he did not have to turn anywhere to feel that she was already here, she was the only one he figured in the crowd. She was not mattered at all with anyone, because she was that beautiful, and in every single way. They were diametrically opposite but something transpired, little just to make him unaware of anything that he knew about love just before.He knew everything about her ways. He was not obsessed but the girl gave him all the reason to feel heightened, searing his distorted sightings of the world. She did not particularly do anything but he mated part of himself to her and that contentment made him discover many things within himself that made him grow...

    Here then, my focus is always about relatedness :) A relationship is just an institution, secluded and dead. You will surely find it at some point :) I hope that that person will genuinely help you like it did in my case :) You are perfectly right, don't lament yourself thinking you are still lagging. Prepare yourself and it will come, with lots of hankering and pain, but surely :) xoxo <3

    1. First of all thank you for this beautiful message. It would be great if I get to know you. You can contact me in the little box at the bottom if you want. That would be great.

      Well love can help you in many ways, but my world doesn't revolve around just finding the right person to fall in love because i owe my success to my loved ones and to genuine people who are always here for me. Love will happen at the right moment, no rushing, till then am appreciating what i have. And more people should understand that instead of grieving over a relationship that didn't work.

      It would be great in the story if the guy didn't keep his feelings secret. At least that wouldn't have kept hanging around if the girl like him or not..Unrequited love is nice to some extent but not to the extreme. This is what I believe... Faut être franc dans la vie :)


  2. There was nothing secret there, it is just that some love stories are beautiful as they are...The guy did not need the girl's love, if not at all :) Talking about his feelings would be just morbid, for it had nothing to do with ingratiating himself. If it were a fanciful, crudely sexual attraction, where the chemistry took the prime, he would seek something in return. Love never dies, it lies in the abyss of friendliness and stays there. Friends are the only things that truely gives life a meaning, don't make love life a debacle for your entire life, as it is just not. Heart broken people are inexperienced individuals, because they always revolve around expectations and give love in return for love. Being true to the world helps you to some extent but it is grasping truth that beholds your path :) Love is not even taught by your lover, it is your intrinsic quality :) Look deep within you and your light will guide you through. Self love is the first step, then what you do is reciprocated, effortlessly :) That someone is already taking steps towards you, to fill the gaps and make you complete, so are you :) It is only a question of time before it seeks to evince :) I know that this questions everything but that is what you saw and narrated. My words are not even true, there is nothing to learn here except that it does not give you an abject conclusion about anything. I don't even know anything about life yet but experience has shaped me very early :) Seek in the real world, that is all the truth :)

    Well, I run a website, but it is down for the moment, you'll get to know me soon...:) Your blog has something really peculiarly familiar and warm, that is why i keep on commenting. I hope you don't mind :) xoxo

    1. Not really, i do appreciate that you like my blog and thank you for that. At least someone do read my post and what makes me happy are the once again thank you :)

      Well then hope to get to know you soon... :)

  3. Who said teenage relationships lead to nowhere? My friend's mom and dad knew each other since they were each 15 years old and were in a relationship since that age. Still together,not far from celebrating their 25 marriage anniversary :D.Sometimes too much waiting and having too much depression may lead to depression.Nevertheless,don't jump on any mokey.Take your time,but try not to be too choosy as nobody's perfect ;)

    1. Too much expectation*

    2. Well well...i said that in my context...i didn't generalize ;)
      That's great...
      Hmmm... being choosy or waiting won't lead to depression as long as you know what you are waiting for..and what your conscience is telling u to do, as far as that does make any sense..

      Thanks for the comment xx
