Wednesday 31 December 2014

Happy New Year 2015

Wish you wonderful peeps a Happy New Year 2015. 
May this year brings to you all the goods in your life.
And this year is gonna be a prosperous one!
Have fun!!! 
:) <3

Monday 29 December 2014

Going bloglovin

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Saturday 13 December 2014

Take a stand against Animal Cruelty

It actually surprises me to see that many people doesn't know anything about animal cruelty. Is it not a worldwide problem enough for people to know about it? Or it just doesn't bother anyone to at least take a stand against it or even voice out, let more people get to know what's really happening to our animals....

I've tried communicating about some people about it, especially about animal cosmetics, and it actually seems that no one did actually took interest in what i told it just doesn't bother them as long as they could see those beautiful colors flaring those cosmetic, fashion boutique or whatever thing. As long as all these could please their little self!

And why not?? What if nobody complimented them on that amazing long lasting perfume scent that they are wearing, or that incredible nail polish color that matches totally their outfits....or even that beautiful and again long lasting make up...andd ohhh How can they be so good at wearing make up?? Who would like to date them without these stuffs?? Because that's what makes you beautiful? And how bad would it be if you don't gift your girlfriend her favorite high priced and branded cosmetics.

Who cares about rats, hamsters, cats, puppies, dogs, kittens, monkeys, pigs, cows, and so on, on whom all these products and ingredients are being tested upon!?!


Seriously, you wear things that make you happy as a person, and not what would make others happy when they see you, In that case, here, they'll just gossip about you. If you want to feel beautiful and confident about yourself...learn to love and respect yourself first as you are. You don't need cosmetics to make you feel beautiful. I completely understand that we as girls do at time wear those things. BUT, know what you are wearing. Not all the make up stuffs that the "fashion industry" provides you with are safe and cruelty free. Many ingredients could worsen your health and skin, such as paraben, this thing causes cancer!!! You want to wear cosmetics...well..that's perfectly alright. There are animals cruelty free products out there. why don't you give them a try? At least, taking up a stand against animal cruelty can help increase awareness and can act as a medium for companies to stop testing on animals or employing a third party to contribute to animal testing.

what's even worse is that many companies claim to not test on animals, when actually they are employing third parties particularly in China to test on animals due to the lag laws on animals there.

Many don't even know about non profit organizations that are fighting for the rights of animals. For instance, PETA!!! There are many others too.

It's high time for you as educated people of the world to take a stand against animal cruelty and we together can make a difference. Think about what those innocent animals go through in those terrifying labs! It's beyond imagination.

Remember wearing the same things because it's in vogue doesn't mean it will make you beautiful and outstanding, All it would make you is appearing the same as the rest of the world wearing the same "fashionable"thing as you are wearing. It's standing out of the crowd and having a unique style of yourself that makes you appear stunning. Because few has the power to come out of the crowd and voice out. You just have to have the right will power.

Not everything you put on your body is safe!

Some websites that could blow your mind.

  1. 11 terrifying facts about make up
  2. Find cruelty free cosmetics from PETA
There are even more than this. Do search for more. Be Curious!

Don't be the reason why animals get killed for no reason! Stand up against this inhumane practice!

PS: For some of you who don't care about animals and where your cosmetics come from, this might not be your subject of interest, you're free to leave! This is for people who loves animals and care about animal and want to stop animal sufferings. Because animals do have emotions as we do! 

It's their world too and they've got as right right to live in here as much as we do!

Be Humanists! 

Master of Tides - Lindsey Stirling

This gives me goosebumps....that violin though... LOVE <3 <3

Friday 12 December 2014

Wednesday 10 December 2014

11 Terrifying Facts About Makeup

My Celebrity Collection

I wonder if you guys have come across these two beauties...because they actually smell really good. I've never been fan of celebrity products but these two, i must say, are a must have.

Nicki Minaj's Pink Friday body lotion smells amazingly good. It has some shimmering in it but not too much. It has a decent amount of shimmering that would make you perfectly comfortable in. The scent is wonderful and long lasting!!! It just gives you a fresh smell. And it's handy to carry out with you.

Taylor Swift's Wonderstruck perfume is one of my favorites. It smells amazing and leaves you mesmerizing. All handy and classy to have around. I really do recommend using this beauty.

Let me know if you guys have one of these two and how you find them .. or if you have other celebrity products that are worth recommending...let me know :)
Thanks xx 

Fan post #3

Hey guys,

In my upcoming reviews i could also be reviewing products that have been tested on animals as i mentioned earlier in FAN POST #2 why. Some I've received as gifts so i can't throw them them away ultimately. It will take time.

But here's the link for you if you are against animal testing and would want a change in the cosmetics that you are using. Slowly and steady, there'll be change :)

Search for animal cruelty free products

Tuesday 9 December 2014

The new "Fashion" Blog O_o

Just created a blog about cosmetics and my lifestyle...Weird because am not good at wearing cosmetics....but i know quite a lot about the issue. Umm..It all depends on my mood. Hope to see the best coming from that blog though :D
Anyway don't forget to follow me an support me through this journey!

Fan post #2

Hey beautiful peeps,

This is a little note to say that i normally prefer using animal cruelty free products in a noble attempt to help animals because i find that really disturbing that we need to kill so many animals just to please our "fake lifestyles" !!

However in my country, Mauritius, there's really limited products that we get access to. Even if we want to wear branded ones, it might well be imitations, for example, MAC. Most available brands among others are AVON and Yves Rocher, but according to PETA, these two does unfortunately test on animals. And before i came to know about it, i was actually using these branded ones, and still using them. I've been lately hit by the issue of animal cosmetics and been trying my best to avoid products which have been tested on animals :\ Well if you already own a lot of animal tested products you can use it because these cosmetics really costs a lot and it would be a waste if you would throw them now. This issue won't stop right away. All we can do it take a step forward and try to avoid animal tested products so that less harm can be done and companies that do test on animals could adopt other alternatives than this cruel way.
I can purchase from abroad though but the shipping cost is really high and being a student i can hardly afford.

So bear with me for the limited reviews.
As we go along with time, maybe i could grow my own stock of cosmetics that are worth using!

Till then go animal cruelty free.. 

Fan post #1

Hey guys, am no expert in fashion or in cosmetics. But in this blog i'll be showing to you and writing reviews about products that am really fond of. And even cute styles that you can recreate.
Thank you :) 

Sunday 7 December 2014

The "random" person -_-

We all have somehow met that random wicked person whom at first time we thought he/she were nice being until something unexpected happen and they spill the shit out of their mouth that will automatically ruin your whole day and just piss you off. And it's not even your fault but just their dirty frustrated and immature self that will freak you out! And you'll be like "what the eff just did happened?" And yeah it will be that particular time when you'll have no words to defend yourself because this was so unexpected or you're just not used to deal with f***tards! Aaannndd... this gonna happen in public. Like wait...did i do you any wrong? If "that" caused you so much temper that you found only me to get get shit out of yourself because of some "random"reasons and on top of that you have to be gross, well then, it's not me who's getting the bad reputation. I don't think people are that stupid and illiterate as that "random person" to not get the whole thing! If there are no such words as "being nice to people" in your vocab, well then SHUT YOUR MOUTH UP!

PS: this goes to the "lady" in the bus yesterday who didn't find enough space to place her butt next to the bar of the bus seat because i was sitting like a dude (the way she said that was even more downgrading! Sick person)!!! -_- GROSS! Get your facts straight!!! Well, nobody in the bus did care when she spitted the shit out ... so....! And after what she said, i didn't even have strong words to reply back nor i did raise my voice to talk as she did!!! How could i still be polite in such a situation!!! Seriously how???
And if you think that you belittled me... well "woman" the  way you talked and BURPT....i doubt!