Friday 21 November 2014

Thought of the day #3 ...A little Note to myself

Wondering what could be worse than sitting idle and waiting for my dreams to come true! Nobody's perfect, everyone has got his/her own flaws. There are some shady moments in your life that would make you not want to do anything and sit and reflect. Those moments just leave you in ambiguity! But for me that's the perfect moment to take a time, sit, reflect on how the eff am leading my life! That happens to me every single day of my life! Writing this seems like am talking to my personal diary..but heyy...who cares. what's important is that am having a shady moment and now this is helping me to reflect on what am doing right now,, Because Seriously..i have loads to do...but what am doing??...sitting idle doing nothing and waiting for a miracle to happen. Though i know miracles won't happen if i do nothing. Its high time to move my lazy bum and start dealing with life seriously! It's nice at times to talk to oneself. I do it everyday..Obviously without making it so obvious to people around you..At least, be happy you have a conscience if you do so too. It's like you have a  guardian angel who is trying to secure your future by showing you the right path. All depends on which way i want to go....And guess what's stopping me!!! ... PROCRASTINATION !!
Considering the limited time that i have and the bright future that i want to's now or never! Time to get started.
And still not doing anything..Sleep calling :D
Anyway...hope you guys have a nice day ahead....k bye :)

Wednesday 19 November 2014


Have you ever felt so left out  that at time you felt bad about being yourself? Does being yourself and doing what you love make you any different from others. May it be in primary school, High school, University, a party, a get-together or any other place or situation, made you so sad! Don't know what is the actual reason behind it. Wonder why people could be so mean at times though you didn't do anything wrong to them, but they still find the need to talk behind your back, laugh at how you are or how you dress.

This really discomforts me at times. I usually don't give an eff about what people think about me as long as i know what am worth of. In high school there were lots of backstabbers and fake friends or even at home with your dear relatives. They did talk bad about me, but the thing is that i never cared about what they said. I never felt the need that i should be part of a peer group just to stay in the lime light; you want to talk to me or not, well..that's you choice, but don't ever expect me to change myself for the sake to please fakers. I am what i am! Deal with it. Am kinda strong person. Yeah, but at times you do feel bad somewhere because deep inside you ask yourself what's so wrong about you. But with the course of time, I've realized that despite not having many friends, walking alone all by myself to the canteen or even in tuition, what happened happened for a good reason, at least that's what made me strong and made me know myself more. That did made me independent, though to many i may appear shy, indecisive, but i know what am doing. I'am well grounded. You might find others crying or appear desperate just because they don't have friends or whatsoever. Ironically, the main reason i found why these guys could be so mean was that you never faked it as they did; all the time you did remained yourself without caring about how others would feel, may it be the way you look or dress, And mostly you don't need them. I've always wondered if i was the only one feeling like that.

Well...finally after watching you-tubers like iisuperwomanii and others, even through the people that responded to their videos or mostly by the Internet People, i found that am not the only one in this situation and many of them are dealing with this so nicely like a pro and are real achievers!-- I wonder where are all the haters and mean guys!!

The best friends you'll ever have is your parents, your siblings, God! And that's what many of us don't seem to realize. They are the ones who will guide you and protect you. Being in worst situations would make you realize who are those who are really worth being called your friends. And am happy to finally being able to distinguish between fakers and real ones, and i know that my friends won't ever let me down because those past experiences made a positive growth out of me. Am happy about being myself no matter what anybody says. Life is about up and downs. All matter of how you deal with them; either you get drown with those sad moments or turn it into a positive personal growth. Everything starts with you! Be confident and trust yourself :)

Hope these links would tell how amazing you guys are <3