Saturday 27 September 2014

Beautiful Response by Taylor Swift to her fan!

"I think we grow up thinking the only love that counts as true love is the kind that lasts forever or is fully realized. When you have a broken heart, the first thing a stranger will ask is ‘how long were you two together?’ As if your pain can be determined by how long you were with someone. Or if you were with them at all. I don’t think that’s how it works. I think unrequited love is just as valid as any other kind. It’s just as crushing and just as thrilling. No matter what happens in this situation, I want you to remember that what you are doing is selfless and beautiful and kind. You are loving someone purely because you love them, not because you think you’ll ever have your affections reciprocated. You are admiring something for its beauty, without needing to own it. Feel good about being the kind of person who loves selflessly. I think someday you’ll find someone who loves you in that exact same way.”

This is the most sweetest thing about love that I've ever read and seen.. Many people would tell you to just move on but you know that it's gonna take a lot of time specially when you admire someone without him knowing about your feelings. You do wish if only he could feel the same way, but, that rarely happens. But hey beautiful, never lose hope. Someday someone would step in your life and will teach you what love is really about because you are so special and unique. Continue being happy and nice to people. Nice things happen to nice people :)

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Thought of the day #2

Today i had to meet my supervisor. might be guessing what's so surprising about that but, i actually was freaking out before meeting him because I've never met him before nor did any lectures with him. He was completely an unknown person to me. Well that's not the only reason. From the feedback that i got about him from most of my friends was that, he's a nice guy as lecturer, but as supervisor, they had no idea about him. Well, i was actually afraid of how would he behave...would he be having partial treatment between me and his others students? But the thing is that i was feeling nervous for Absolutely NO REASON!!! By this little note, i wanted to remind ourselves that the only person you can count on is yourself, it's you who can solve the situation by being yourself. Stressing up will just worsen the situation and the things you've been having on your mind, then unfortunately, you wouldn't be able to ask that concerning person. Sometimes leaving everything to time and god can solve so much. Instead, the latter was really supportive and helpful. You can never know where can life be so generous to you...So today I've learnt that it better to keep things for the right time and stop feeling stressful for nothing....just be confident...that's what i need to remind myself of everyday...Hope you wonderful people do it too...Surely at a later stage we would be compensated for it. Nobody's perfect, but we've got to work on it. Persevere friends!

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Thought of the day #1

Its funny how people can assume lots of things about you when they know barely anything about you. They just interpret what others have told them or just a glimpse of you or a day talking to you can't exactly define who you are!!! So... Stop being judgmental peeps and be nice to those who deserves it and don't bring about stupid thoughts of someone in your mind, unless they are really bad!!! Some people badly need to Just CTFO ;)

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Everyday Thoughts...Weirdo?? Are you?

Sometimes it feels better to be yourself than to be the one someone else wants you to be. It does feel bad to feel rejected at time by people with whom you would want to be with or be friends with. I've been through this situation too! You guys will obviously feel depressed. Those feelings just happen. But it's up to you if you want to continue to keep experiencing the same thing, because if you view it from another angle, you'll see many of your dear and special folks who are still with you. That one smile and view of you makes them why feel bad because of those stupid ideas that you draw from your mind!!! Keep cool and be happy!!! Those bad feelings is just for some minutes but that happiness after that will stay forever in your memories.....So whenever you guys feels depressed or unwanted, remember that there's some other doors open, you need to find the right one that gonna make you happy!!! Be Strong, NEVER lose hope :)

Be Happy Folks!!! Haters gonna Hate ;)